Diagnostic Medicine Careers Lesson Plan for 11th Grade Students

Topic: Diagnostic Medicine

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the different careers in the Diagnostic Medicine field including salaries, schools, certifications, etc.


  • Handout with information on different careers in the Diagnostic Medicine field including salaries, schools, certifications, etc.
  • Colored pencils/pens


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a doctor for a physical or for any other reason.
  • Ask them what questions the doctor asked them and what tests were performed.
  • Ask them if they know what a doctor specializing in Diagnostic Medicine does and what their job responsibilities are.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of Diagnostic Medicine careers and describe the various types of Diagnostic Medicine professionals, including:
  • Physicians: Doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries.
  • Pathologists: Doctors who analyze and interpret the results of diagnostic tests and tissue samples to help diagnose disease.
  • Nurse practitioners: Registered nurses who have additional training and are qualified to provide primary health care, including diagnosing and treating diseases.
  • Pharmacists: Professionals who dispense and manage medications and advise patients on their use.
  • Explain that Diagnostic Medicine professionals must complete a minimum of four years of college and graduate school and then must pass a state licensing exam to be able to practice.
  • Discuss the various types of schools and programs available to prepare students for careers in Diagnostic Medicine, including:
  • Four-year colleges and universities: Offer bachelor's degrees in the various disciplines related to Diagnostic Medicine.
  • Graduate schools: Offer master's and doctoral degrees in various disciplines related to Diagnostic Medicine.
  • Discuss the various certification and licensing requirements for Diagnostic Medicine professionals, including:
  • Physicians: Must be licensed by the state in which they practice and may be certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
  • Pathologists: Must be certified by the American Board of Pathology.
  • Nurse practitioners: Must be licensed by the state in which they practice and may be certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
  • Pharmacists: Must be licensed by the state in which they practice and may be certified by the American Board of Pharmacy.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a handout listing the various Diagnostic Medicine careers and related fields.
  • Have each group discuss and identify the types of professionals they think would be most interested in each career.
  • Have each group share their findings with the class.
  • Have the class discuss the various certification and licensing requirements for each career.
  • Have the class discuss the requirements for becoming a Diagnostic Medicine professional, including:
  • A minimum of four years of college and graduate school.
  • Passing a state licensing exam.
  • Having the necessary certification or licensure.

Independent Practice

  • Have students research a specific Diagnostic Medicine career that interests them.
  • Have students create a presentation (e.g. poster, brochure, slide show) that includes:
  • Information about the specific career.
  • Salaries, average entry-level requirements, and potential for advancement.
  • Requirements for certification or licensure.
  • Schools or training programs that students can pursue.
  • Have students present their findings to the class.


  • Review the different Diagnostic Medicine careers that were presented by students.
  • Ask students to reflect on which careers they found most interesting and why.
  • Remind students of the variety of salaries, entry-level requirements, and training programs available.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review the worksheets and presentations created by students for accuracy and understanding.
  • Administer a short quiz or test at the end of the lesson to assess student retention of the material.

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