12th Grade Feasibility Studies Lesson Plan Example (Art)

Topic: What is feasibility studies?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • After completing this lesson, students will be able to define feasibility studies, identify the purpose and objectives of feasibility studies, and provide examples of feasibility studies.


  • Handout with definitions and examples of feasibility studies
  • List of potential feasibility study projects for students to review (optional)


  • Ask students if they have ever participated in a project that evaluated the feasibility of a particular idea or concept. If so, ask them to share their experience and what they learned from the project.
  • Review the definition of feasibility studies and ask students to provide examples of feasibility studies.

Direct Instruction

  • Discuss the importance of feasibility studies and their role in the decision-making process. Explain that feasibility studies are used to evaluate the practicality of a project or idea and help decision makers determine whether it is feasible to proceed with the project.
  • Explain the steps involved in conducting a feasibility study. Provide examples of each step and have students identify the key information being gathered in each step.
  • Discuss the factors that should be considered when conducting a feasibility study, including costs, resources, and potential risks.

Guided practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a scenario involving a proposed project or idea.
  • Have each group conduct a feasibility study using the steps discussed in class. Encourage them to consider the factors mentioned above as they conduct their feasibility study.
  • Ask each group to present their feasibility study to the class and discuss their findings.

Independent practice

  • Assign each student a proposed project or idea and have them conduct a feasibility study using the steps discussed in class. Encourage them to consider the factors mentioned above as they conduct their feasibility study.
  • Have students present their feasibility studies to the class, and discuss their findings.


  • Review the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of feasibility studies for proposed projects and ideas.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and discuss any concerns they have about conducting feasibility studies.


  • Observe students during the group activity to assess their understanding of the concept of feasibility studies and their ability to conduct a feasibility study for a proposed project.
  • Evaluate the feasibility studies that students have completed individually to assess their understanding of the concept and their ability to accurately conduct a feasibility study.

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