Facebook And Social Media Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Facebook and Social Media

Objectives & Outcomes

  • During the warmer stage, participants will be able to guess the names of social media apps by looking at their pictures.
  • During the main speaking stage, participants will be able to argue for or against the opinion that people reveal too much of their personal life by sharing on facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.


  • Computer or laptop with internet access
  • Images or screenshots of popular social media apps (e.g. facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.)


  • Ask the participants to share the social media apps that they regularly use.
  • Then, display the images or screenshots of popular social media apps on the computer screen and ask the participants to guess the names of the apps based on their appearances.


Matching game

  • Introduce the concept of social media and its importance in today's society.
  • Discuss the risks of over-sharing personal information on social media, such as identity theft and cyber bullying.
  • Present the debate question and lead a discussion on both sides of the topic.

Speaking Practice

  • Divide the class into two groups - For/Against
  • Give them 10 minutes to think of for/Against points for oversharing personal information.
  • Now, facilitate the debate and note down any points that teacher would like to discuss in the feedback stage later on.

Feedback -

  • On content - Check if their points were solid for a debate. Check if the teams gave a proper rebuttal with their opinion.

On Language use - This could be appreciation/feedback for improvement for fluency, language, tone, clarity, etc.

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