Safety Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: Safety

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to recognize unsafe situations and select the correct response or reaction.


  • Pictures of unsafe situations (e.g. playing with a hot stove, crossing a street without adult supervision, etc.)
  • Cardboard cutouts of different responses (e.g. call for help, run away, etc.)


  • Ask the children to raise their hands if they have ever experienced an unsafe situation.
  • Ask the children to share their experiences and how they handled the situation.
  • Show the pictures of unsafe situations and ask the children to raise their hands if they have seen the situation before.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of safety and explain that it is important to recognize unsafe situations and know how to respond.
  • Show the pictures of unsafe situations and have the children identify them.
  • Discuss the correct response or reaction to each situation and role-play the responses.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of pictures of unsafe situations.
  • Have the children work together to identify the correct response or reaction to each situation.
  • Encourage the children to offer their own ideas for a correct response or reaction.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each child with a set of safety cards that illustrate correct responses or reactions to unsafe situations.
  • Ask the children to organize the cards into groups based on the unsafe situations depicted.
  • Encourage the children to discuss their groupings and reach a consensus on the correct response or reaction for each situation.


  • Review the safety cards with the children and ask them to share their groupings and responses or reactions.
  • Remind the children that it is important to stay safe in different situations and that they should know what to do in case of an unsafe situation.


  • Observe the children during the independent practice and give feedback on their safety card groupings and responses or reactions.
  • Collect and review the safety cards to assess the children's understanding of safety and their ability to choose the correct response or reaction in different scenarios.

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