Eat In The Rainbow Lesson Plan Example for 2nd Grade Students

Topic: Eat in the Rainbow

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to identify a variety of vegetables and describe the different colours in the rainbow.


  • Chart with pictures of vegetables
  • Coloured pencils or crayons
  • White paper


  • Show children a picture of a vegetable and ask them to name the vegetable and the colour it is. For example, "What vegetable is this? And what colour is it?"
  • Encourage children to use descriptive words to describe the colours, such as "bright red" or "dark orange."

Direct Instruction

  • Show children a picture of a variety of different coloured vegetables and ask them to name each one.
  • Talk about the different colours of the vegetables and explain that each colour provides different vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need to be healthy.
  • For example, red vegetables like tomatoes and peppers contain vitamin A, which is important for good vision and healthy skin.
  • Green vegetables like broccoli and spinach contain vitamin C, which helps fight off infections and helps us heal faster when we're sick.
  • Yellow and orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes contain vitamin A and vitamin B, which are important for brain function and energy.
  • Use a handout with pictures of the different vegetables and their corresponding vitamins and nutrients to help with the discussion.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each group a tray with a variety of different coloured vegetables.
  • Have the children take turns choosing a vegetable and identifying its colour, then have them explain why that colour is important for health.
  • Encourage the children to try a bit of each vegetable and ask them questions about why they like or don't like each one.

Independent Practice

  • Have the children decorate a rainbow-themed snack tray with colourful fruits and vegetables. Encourage them to use a variety of colours and to include at least one item from each of the five food groups.
  • Have the children take turns presenting their rainbow snack to the class and talking about the different colours and the healthy nutrients found in each item.


  • Ask the children to name as many different colours of fruits and vegetables as they can.
  • Remind the children that eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables is important for getting the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to stay healthy.


  • Observe the children during independent practice and listen to their explanations about why it's important to eat a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables.
  • Evaluate the posters the children have created and assess their understanding of the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.

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