
Topic: Pronouns

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and use personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) correctly in sentences.


  • Posters with images of people and animals representing each personal pronoun (e.g. a picture of a person for "I," a dog for "he," etc.)
  • Writing paper and pencils/crayons
  • Example sentences with personal pronouns included (e.g. "I like dogs." "You are my friend.")


  • Ask students to stand up and stretch. Then, have them walk around the room and try to touch each other with the back of their hand, saying "I touched you" or "You touched me." This reinforces the concept of "I" and "you" and helps students realize that these words can be used as pronouns.Introduction

Title: Today we are going to learn about personal pronouns. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. For example, in the sentence "I like dogs," the word "I" takes the place of the person who is speaking. Personal pronouns are pronouns that represent a specific person, like "I" for me or "you" for you.

    Title: Let's look at some examples. In the sentence "I like dogs," the word "I" represents the speaker, or the person who is saying the sentence. In the sentence "You are my friend," the word "you" represents the person who is being addressed.


        Title: Pronouns come in different forms, depending on their function in a sentence. There are three types of personal pronouns: -Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. They include: I, you, he, she, we, they -Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition. They include: me, you, him, her, us, them

        • Possessive pronouns show ownership. They include: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

        Title: Let's look at some more examples. In the sentence "I like dogs," the word "I" is the subject pronoun, because it is the subject of the sentence. In the sentence "You are my friend," the word "you" is the object pronoun, because it is the object of the verb "are." In the sentence "This is mine," the word "mine" is the possessive pronoun, because it shows ownership.Conclusion

          Title: That's it for today's lesson on personal pronouns. Personal pronouns can be hard to master at first, but with practice, they will become easier to understand.

          • Review the different types of personal pronouns with the class, using the handouts as a guide.
          • Ask students to come up with some sentences using personal pronouns, and correct any mistakes they make.

          Guided Practice

            Title: Let's try some sentences with personal pronouns.

            • Have students work in pairs or small groups, and give each group a set of sentence strips or blank cards.
            • Have students choose one sentence strip or card at a time, and have them identify the subject and object pronouns in the sentence.
            • After they have identified the pronouns, have them replace the nouns with the correct pronouns.
            • Have students read their sentences out loud to their group mates.
            • Have students practice this activity with several different sentence strips or cards.

            Independent Practice

              Title: Let's practice using pronouns in a real sentence.

              • Have students choose a favorite animal or person, and write a short sentence using that noun as a subject pronoun.
              • Have students glue their sentence to a piece of paper and add a second sentence using the same noun as an object pronoun.
              • Have students decorate their page and present their work to the class.


              • Review the different types of pronouns and have students give examples of each.
              • Ask students to share one thing they learned about pronouns during the lesson.


              • Observe students during independent practice and make note of which pronouns they are able to use correctly.
              • Ask students to write a short paragraph using at least one pronoun correctly.
              • Review their paragraphs and provide feedback on their pronoun usage.

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