2nd Grade Robots Lesson Plan Example (Robots)

Topic: Robots

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe how robots work and give examples of different types of robots.


  • Pictures of robots (real or fictional)
  • Chart paper or whiteboard and markers
  • Construction paper and markers


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a robot before. Ask them to describe what the robot did and what it looked like.
  • Write their responses on the chart paper or whiteboard.

Direct Instruction

  • Tell students that a robot is a machine that can do tasks or work that is usually done by people.
  • Show students pictures of different types of robots and ask them to identify what each robot is supposed to do. For example, a construction robot might be designed to build buildings, a medical robot might be designed to perform surgery, and a cleaning robot might be designed to vacuum floors.
  • Ask students to name some other tasks that people might want robots to do. Write their suggestions on the chart paper or whiteboard.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to draw a picture of a robot that they think could be built to perform a particular task. Show the drawings to the class and discuss the different ideas for how the robots might work.
  • If time allows, have students work in small groups to brainstorm ideas for how a robot might be built to perform a particular task. Encourage them to use their imaginations and consider the materials and technology available to them.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a task they think could be performed by a robot and design a robot to perform it. Encourage them to use their imagination and consider the materials and technology available to them.
  • Students can build their robots using materials such as cardboard, plastic containers, and other items they can find in the classroom or school.


  • Review the various components of a robot and the tasks they can perform.
  • Ask students to share their robots and explain how they work and what they can do.


  • Observe students during the "brainstorming" and "building" stages of the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the various components and functions of robots.
  • Evaluate the students' completed robots for their ability to perform the task outlined in the independent practice activity.

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