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How to teach conversation communicatively
How present tense is used to describe daily routine
vocabulary about writing emails
The difference between common and proper nouns
What is your favorite zoo animal?
Students will be able to decode multisyllabic words with closed syllables, open syllables, VCe syllables, vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs, r-controlled syllables, and final stable syllables.
How do volcanoes erupt
Infer the speaker tone , mode and purpose with instructional materials
How student use verb to be ?
Practice reading the three sounds of "ed." Provide pictures of each work
How is an adverb used
Predict what will happen using key features on a text
How prepositions are used in a sentence
Formation, usages and tricks in passive voice.
Explaining how to form present simple
read words with vowel digraphs
Interpret simple graphs, tables and pictographs
the time and daily routines
Student will analyze the setting, plot, characters, and layout of a grade level text to determine its literary theme
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