Free 4th Grade Food And Drinks Lesson Plan

Topic: Different kinds of food and drinks

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to name at least 3 different kinds of food and drinks and describe at least one characteristic of each.


  • Pictures of different kinds of food and drinks (e.g., fruits, vegetables, sandwiches, drinks, etc.)
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Ask students if they are hungry or thirsty and what they would like to eat or drink. Write their responses on the chart paper.

Show the pictures of different kinds of food and drinks and ask students to name the items and describe one characteristic of each.

Direct Instruction

  • Ask students to name and describe two or three more kinds of food and drinks.
  • Have students work in pairs or groups to create a list of different kinds of food and drinks.
  • Have students work individually to write a short paragraph about one food or drink that they would like to try. Encourage them to include at least three details about the food or drink and how it is prepared.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or groups to create a short cartoon or cartoon strip about a character who likes a particular food or drink. The character could be a person, animal, or fantasy creature. The cartoon or cartoon strip should include at least three details about the food or drink and how it is prepared.
  • Have students work individually to write a short paragraph about a character who likes a particular food or drink. The paragraph should include at least three details about the food or drink and how it is prepared.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a favorite food or drink and create a poster about it. The poster should include at least three details about the food or drink and how it is prepared.
  • Have students create a collage of pictures of their favorite foods and drinks. The collage should include at least three details about the food or drink and how it is prepared.


  • Review the characteristics of different kinds of food and drinks.
  • Ask students to share their posters and collages with the class.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and give feedback on their posters and collages.
  • Collect and review the vocabulary words that students learned during the lesson.

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