
Topic: Fruits

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To learn about the different types of fruits and their taste, form and colors
  • To develop listening and communication skills through simple activities and music


  • A variety of fruits (e.g. apples, bananas, pears, grapes, oranges)
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • A sheet of paper


  • Review the meanings of the following words: fruit, taste, form, colors. Ask the children to provide examples of each.
  • Ask the children to name as many fruits as they can. Write their answers on the sheet of paper.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the children different types of fruits, such as apples, oranges, and bananas.
  • Ask the children to taste each fruit and discuss their tastes.
  • Ask the children to describe the forms of the fruits, such as round, oval, or square.
  • Ask the children to name the colors of the fruits, such as red, orange, green, and yellow.
  • Play the music and dance to warm up the body and get the children's attention.

Guided Practice

  • Have the children sit in a circle on the floor or on their chairs.
  • Give each child a piece of a different fruit and a small plate or bowl.
  • Have the children cut or slice the fruit into small pieces and put it on their plate.
  • Ask the children to identify the name of the fruit and its color.
  • Encourage the children to take a bite of the fruit and describe its taste.
  • Play the music and dance while the children are eating the fruit.

Independent Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each group a different type of fruit.
  • Have the children cut or slice the fruit into small pieces and put it on their plates or bowls.
  • Have the children identify the name of the fruit and its color.
  • Encourage the children to take a bite of the fruit and describe its taste.
  • Play the music and dance while the children are eating the fruit.


  • Assess the children's understanding of the activity by asking them to identify the name and color of a different type of fruit.
  • If necessary, provide assistance to individual children or small groups.


  • Have the children share their favorite fruit and why.
  • Recap the lesson by reviewing the different characteristics of fruits: taste, form and color.


  • Observe the children during independent practice to see if they are able to accurately identify and draw different types of fruits.
  • Collect and review the children's drawings to assess their understanding of the different characteristics of fruits.

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