Free Feelings And Greetings Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Students

Topic: Greetings and Expressions of Feelings

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use and demonstrate understanding of simple, everyday expressions, directions, instructions, and questions through greetings and expressions of feelings.


  • Pen and paper for each student
  • Greetings worksheets (one per student)


  • Have students take out their pen and paper, and ask them to write down three simple expressions or greetings they use most often. (e.g. Hi, bye, thank you)
  • Ask students to share their three expressions with the class, and talk about how they would use them in different scenarios.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of greetings and expressions of feelings, and give a brief overview of the activities that will be covered in the unit.
  • Model how to say simple greetings and expressions of feelings, using the handouts as a reference.
  • Have students practice saying the greetings and expressions with you, correcting any mistakes along the way.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups, and give each group a set of index cards with simple greetings and expressions of feelings written on them.
  • Have the groups work together to practice saying the greetings and expressions out loud, using the correct pronunciation and intonation.
  • Encourage students to try different variations of the greetings and expressions, and help as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in pairs, and give each pair a set of index cards with simple greetings and expressions of feelings written on them.
  • Encourage students to practice saying the greetings and expressions out loud with their partners, using the correct pronunciation and intonation.
  • Encourage students to try different variations of the greetings and expressions, and help as needed.


  • Review the greetings and expressions that were practiced in class.
  • Ask students to share one new greeting or expression that they learned during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review the cards created during independent practice to assess students' ability to use and correctly conjugate basic greetings and expressions of feelings.
  • Administer a quiz to assess students' understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

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