Free Free Time Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Students

Topic: Free time

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to list at least 3 things they can do for free in their free time.


  • Whiteboard or blackboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handout with a list of free activities (such as visiting a park, going for a walk, taking a yoga class, etc.)


  • Ask students to think of a place they would like to go on a weekend.
  • Have them share their ideas with a partner.
  • Have a few students share their ideas with the class.
  • Ask the class if there are any places that they would like to go for free.

Direct Instruction

  • Tell the class that there are many places they can go for free on the weekends.
  • Ask them to name some of the places they thought of earlier.
  • Explain that there are many free activities they can do in their free time.
  • Give examples of free activities, such as walking in the park, visiting museums, or reading a book in the library.

Guided Practice

  • Have the class brainstorm a list of free activities they can do in their free time.
  • Go through the list as a class and discuss the benefits of each activity.
  • Ask students to choose one free activity they would like to try in their free time.

Independent Practice

  • Have students draw a picture of their chosen free activity.
  • Have students write a paragraph describing their picture and how it makes them feel.


  • Have students share their drawings and paragraphs with the class.
  • Ask students to describe why their chosen activities are free and how they make them feel.
  • Ask students to share any other free activities they enjoy and why they enjoy them.


  • Observe students as they work on their drawings and paragraphs and take note of their understanding of the concept of free time and their ability to describe their chosen free activities.
  • Collect and review their drawings and paragraphs to assess their understanding of the concept of free time and their ability to describe their chosen free activities.

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