9th Grade Drawing And Illustration Lesson Plan

Topic: Drawing and Illustration

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the principles of observational drawing and how to use them to create accurate representations of the world around us.
  • To understand the principles of proportion and how to use them to create balanced and appealing drawings.


  • Graph paper
  • Pencils of varying hardness
  • Eraser
  • Paper
  • Any other materials needed for specific projects (e.g. colored pencils, markers, etc.)


  • Have students draw a still life of three objects on a desk or table, using only vertical lines and a pencil of medium hardness. Have them pay attention to the proportions of the objects and how they are laid out on the page. After they are finished, have them discuss how their drawings came out and what they learned from the experience.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by introducing the concept of observational drawing and its importance in visual art. Show examples of how an artist can use observational drawing to capture the likeness and proportions of a subject, and how it can be a crucial skill in drawing portraits, landscapes, and other subjects.
  • Next, explain the concept of proportional drawing and how it can be used to ensure that all the parts of a drawing are properly sized relative to each other. Demonstrate how to use a ruler to measure and draw lines at even intervals, and how to use those lines to find the proper placement and proportions of different parts of a drawing.
  • Finally, show examples of drawings with and without proper proportional drawing, and discuss the importance of this skill in achieving a realistic and well-balanced image.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups, and provide each group with a set of simple objects to draw. Have them use the ruler and proportional drawing techniques to draw the objects, and ask them to share their drawings and explain their use of proportional drawing.
  • Alternatively, have students work in pairs or small groups and provide each group with a simple drawing exercise, such as a grid with several blank spaces to fill in with different geometric shapes. Have them use the ruler and proportional drawing techniques to fill in the shapes, and ask them to share their drawings and explain their use of proportional drawing.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with additional drawing exercises that use proportional drawing techniques, such as drawing a series of objects of increasing size or drawing an object from multiple perspectives. Encourage students to use their rulers and to discuss their approaches and results with their classmates.


  • Review the key concepts of proportional drawing and the importance of using scale and measure when drawing.
  • Ask students to share their favorite proportional drawing exercises and why they enjoy them.


  • Observe students as they work on their proportional drawings and provide feedback on their use of scale and measure. Evaluate their drawings for accuracy and overall understanding of the concept.

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