9th Grade Aerobic Class And Fitness Lesson Plan Example (Physical Education)

Topic: endurance and fitness

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the importance of endurance and fitness and its role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  • Treadmill or stationary bike
  • Heart rate monitors (optional)


  • Have students do a light jog on the treadmill or around the room for 2-3 minutes to get their blood flowing and heart rates up.
  • Have students stretch their arms, shoulders, and legs to release any tension and prepare their bodies for a more strenuous workout.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of aerobic training and its benefits, including increased endurance and improved overall health.
  • Discuss the importance of warming up and stretching before a workout to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Demonstrate basic aerobic exercises, including running, jumping jacks, and lunges.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to demonstrate the basic aerobic exercises.
  • Provide individual guidance as needed.


  • Have students return to the running track and demonstrate the basic aerobic exercises under the guidance of the instructor.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete a warm-up jog on the running track.
  • Have students perform the basic aerobic exercises in pairs for a specified period of time (e.g., 1 minute).
  • Have students switch partners and repeat the basic aerobic exercises.
  • Have students continue switching partners and performing the basic aerobic exercises for the duration of the class.


  • Have students share their experiences during the aerobic class.
  • Review the objectives of the aerobic class and discuss how they were achieved.


  • Observe students during the aerobic class and take note of their participation and effort.
  • Administer a short quiz to assess students' understanding of the objectives of the aerobic class and their ability to apply this understanding in practice.

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