Free Change And Continuity The History Of The Church Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students

Topic: Change and Continuity the History of the CHurch

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand how together change and continuity form the foundation of History
  • To understand how the implications of change and continuity are relevant for the church


  • Handouts with key terms, dates, and events
  • Colored pencils or markers for the interactive activities
  • A big sheet of paper for the concluding project


  • Ask the students to draw a timeline of the history of the church, starting with the birth of Jesus and ending with the present day. Allow them to use the colored pencils or markers to represent the different periods of time.
  • Encourage them to be creative in their representation of the historical events: they can use artistic patterns, draw a scene from the event, or even make a cartoon out of it.

Direct Instruction:

  • Introduce the concept of change and continuity in history. Explain that change refers to the way that the world is constantly evolving and moving forward, while continuity refers to the elements that remain the same throughout time.
  • Explain that these two concepts are at the foundation of History, as it is the study of how events, people, and cultures have changed over time.
  • Introduce the topic of the history of the church. Explain that the history of the church is the collection of events, people, and ideas that have shaped Christianity and its organization over time.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in small groups to brainstorm a list of examples of change and continuity in the history of the church.
  • Have each group present their list to the class and discuss the examples they have identified.
  • As a class, create a timeline on the chalkboard or on a large chart paper, listing the major events, people, and ideas in the history of the church. Have students help to fill in the timeline with their list of examples of change and continuity.
  • Discuss the ways that change and continuity are evident in the timeline, and how the history of the church is a collection of events, people, and ideas that show both change and continuity over time.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one event, person, or idea from the timeline that they found particularly interesting or thought-provoking.
  • Have students write a short paragraph (or oral presentation if needed) on their chosen event, person, or idea, explaining how it shows both change and continuity in the history of the church.


  • Review the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of understanding both change and continuity when studying history.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned or found interesting about the history of the church during the independent practice.
  • Have a brief wrap-up discussion to review the main ideas of the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concepts of change and continuity in the history of the church.
  • Collect and review the project portfolios to assess students' ability to apply their understanding of change and continuity in their chosen topic.
  • Administer a quiz at the end of the lesson to assess students' retention of the key concepts.

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