Free Kindergarten Conditional Lesson Plan

Topic: Conditional

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and understand the different types of conditional sentences.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of conditional sentences (e.g. "If it rains, the sidewalk will be wet." "If you press the button, the lights will turn on." "If you eat too much, you will get sick." "If you study hard, you will do well on the test.")
  • Index cards or pieces of paper


  • Write the following sentences on the board:

If it rains, the sidewalk will be wet.

  • Ask the students to predict what will happen in each of the sentences. Write their responses on the board.
  • Next, write the following sentences on the board:

If you press the button, the lights will turn on.

  • Ask the students to predict what will happen in each of the sentences. Write their responses on the board.
  • Finally, write the following sentences on the board:

If you eat too much, you will get sick.

  • Ask the students to predict what will happen in each of the sentences. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask the students if they have ever heard of conditional sentences before. Ask them to share any examples they can think of.

Direct Instruction

  • Define conditional sentences and explain how they can be used to make predictions about the future.
  • Use the handout to go over the different types of conditional sentences and give examples of each.
  • Explain the difference between “if-then” conditional sentences and “if-only” conditional sentences.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to identify and label each type of conditional sentence on the handout.
  • Go over the examples as a class and have students explain their reasoning for each label.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the conditionals to research and create a project on. This could be a poster, presentation, or written report.
  • Students should present their project to the class and explain how the conditional they chose is used in real life.


  • Review the different conditionals and their uses.
  • Have students share something they learned about conditionals during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are accurately using the different types of conditionals.
  • Collect and review the conditional sentences generated by students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the concept.

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