Kindergarten Diriku Lesson Plan Example

Topic: My Body -introduce students to their body parts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name their body parts.


  • Pictures of human bodies (e.g. from a health textbook)
  • Names of body parts (e.g. "arm", "leg", "eye", "nose", "mouth")


  • Show the students the pictures of human bodies and ask them to name the body parts they see.
  • Encourage the students to talk to each other and help each other if they are struggling to find a body part.

Direct Instruction

  • Ask the students if they know what their names are.
  • If they do, ask them to say their names out loud. If they do not, show them their names written on the board and ask them to repeat them after you.
  • Explain that our names are special because they are unique to us and they help people to know who we are.
  • Ask the students if they know what their bodies are.
  • If they do, ask them to point to their bodies and name the body parts they see. If they do not, show them their bodies on the pictures and ask them to name the body parts they see.
  • Explain that our bodies are special because they help us to do the things we love and they help us to be who we are.

Guided Practice

  • Show the students the picture of a person and ask them to identify the person as themselves.
  • Then show the students the picture of the hand and ask them to identify it as their hand.
  • Finally, show the students the picture of the mouth and ask them to identify it as their mouth.
  • Have the students practice saying their name, body parts, and the word "mouth" out loud.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Ask the students to draw a picture of themselves, including their name and body parts.
  • Have the students write their name and the names of their body parts on their pictures.


  • Ask the students to share their drawings with the class.
  • Ask the students to point to their drawings and say their names and body parts.
  • Ask the students to say their names and body parts in English.
  • Ask the students to repeat the words for their body parts in Indonesian.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice and provide feedback on their ability to draw a person and name the body parts in Indonesian and English.
  • Evaluate the students' participation in the group activity and their ability to say their names and body parts in the target language.

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