Kindergarten Teaching With Play Lesson Plan (Career and Technical Education)

Topic: Teaching with Play

Objective & Outcomes

  • To develop better understanding of the role of play in child development
  • To gain a greater awareness of different types of play and ways of using play to engage children in learning


  • Various toys and materials that can be used for play (e.g. blocks, dolls, stuffed animals, costumes, art supplies, digging containers, construction materials, etc.)
  • Markers, paper, and easel for project-based independent work


  • Begin the lesson by asking the children what they like to play with at home. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask the children to share a recent play experience with a peer or adult, and write their responses on the board as well.
  • Explain that play is the way that children explore and learn about their world. It is important for healthy development and learning.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of play as the medium through which children learn and explore.
  • Discuss the importance of play in physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development.
  • Model appropriate play behaviors, such as sharing and taking turns.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each child a specific toy or activity.
  • Walk around the room and provide support and guidance as the children play.
  • Encourage the children to use the toys or activities in different ways or to explore something new.
  • Ask questions to gauge understanding and check for comprehension.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a variety of toys and materials and have them create their own play scene.
  • Encourage the children to use their creativity and imagination to come up with their own play ideas.
  • Leave the children to play independently for a few minutes and then walk around the room and observe.
  • Provide support and guidance as needed.


  • Have the children share their play scenes with the group and talk about what they were pretending to do.
  • Ask the children to reflect on their own learning during the independent play time and how they were able to use their imagination and creativity.


  • Have the children share their play scenes with the group and talk about what they were pretending to do.
  • Ask the children to reflect on their own learning during the independent play time and how they were able to use their imagination and creativity.
  • Thank the children for their hard work and participation.

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