Free How To Do A Carthweel Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: How to do a carthweel

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate how to do a cartwheel correctly.


  • Large open space for students to practice cartwheels
  • Tips and suggestions for instructors on how to help students learn how to do a cartwheel


  • Introduce the lesson by asking students if they have ever done a cartwheel before.
  • Ask them to raise their hand if they can do a cartwheel.
  • Ask them to share their experiences and tips on how to do a cartwheel.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students the proper position for doing a cartwheel by demonstrating the position in front of the class.
  • Have students take note of the position of the hands, feet, and body.
  • Explain that in order to do a cartwheel, we must first learn how to do a vertical handstand.
  • Demonstrate how to do a vertical handstand in front of the class.
  • Have students take note of the position of the hands and body.
  • Next, demonstrate how to bring the legs up and over into a cartwheel.
  • Have students take note of the position of the feet and body.
  • Repeat the demonstration and have students watch and follow along.

Guided Practice

  • Have students practice doing a vertical handstand in a safe and supervised area.
  • Have students take note of the position of the hands and body.
  • Next, have students practice bringing their legs up and over into a cartwheel.
  • Have students take note of the position of the feet and body.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to create a short animation or pantomime of a character doing a cartwheel.
  • Encourage students to pay attention to the position of the hands and feet, and to consider the actions required to perform a cartwheel.


  • Have each group present their animation or pantomime to the class.
  • Review the steps for doing a cartwheel and discuss any challenges or successes students had while practicing.


  • Observe students during the cartwheel practice or show and tell activity to assess their understanding of the steps for doing a cartwheel.
  • Evaluate the animations or pantomimes created during the closure activity to assess students' understanding of the steps for doing a cartwheel and their ability to communicate that understanding to others.

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