Kindergarten Part Of The Body Lesson Plan

Topic: Body Parts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, my students will be able to identify and name major parts of their bodies.


  • Pictures of major body parts (e.g. head, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, feet)
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Construction paper and scissors


  • Show the students the pictures of the body parts and ask them to name them.
  • If they can't name it, help them by saying the name of the body part and showing them the picture.
  • Repeat this process with several body parts.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of the body parts to the students and tell them that today they are going to learn about some of the body parts.
  • Show the students the pictures of the body parts and ask them to name them.
  • If they can't name it, help them by saying the name of the body part and showing them the picture.
  • Repeat this process with several body parts.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a colored pencil or crayon.
  • Ask them to draw a picture of one of the body parts that they learned about.
  • Help them if they need help naming the body part or figuring out how to draw it.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students share their pictures with the class and say the name of the body part out loud.
  • Ask the students to point to the body part that they drew when you say its name.


  • Review the names of the body parts that we learned today.
  • Ask the students to point to the body part that they drew when you say its name.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and take note of the body parts that they are able to draw. -Ask the students to show you the body parts that they are able to name. -Note the names of the body parts that the students are able to correctly identify.

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