The Best Free Lesson Plans for 2nd Grade History

Lesson Plan
Mary Seacole

Life of Mary Seacole

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
Life Of Mary Seacole

About the life of Mary Seacole

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
Christopher Columbus

Painting art lesson on Christopher Columbus to get the children hooked with the new topic

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
Civil War

Talk about 3 repercussions that the south had to face after losing the civil war

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan

Como vivían en la Prehistoria los hombres: etapas y descubrimientos

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
Communication Over Time

How communication has evolved over time.

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History
Lesson Plan
The Founding Fathers

All of the founding fathers

Grade: 2nd Grade
Subject: History