Five Senses

Topic: Five senses

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use their five senses to express themselves and tell a story through art.


  • Assorted art supplies (e.g. colored pencils, pastels, markers, paper, etc.)
  • Examples of artwork from students and teachers
  • A large whiteboard or chalkboard for sharing artwork


  • Have students close their eyes and think about a beautiful place they have visited.
  • Have them imagine smells, sounds, and textures they might have experienced there.
  • Have them share their experiences with a partner.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the five senses to the students.
  • Show a picture of an object and ask the students to identify which sense it is associated with (i.e. sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell).
  • Have the students partner up and take turns coming up with a story about a character using the five senses.
  • Have the students draw a picture to accompany their story.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students share their stories and drawings with the class.
  • Encourage the students to use the five senses in their stories and ask questions to clarify which sense the characters are using.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose one of the five senses to focus on for their drawings.
  • Have the students use art supplies or materials to create a collage or sculpture representing their chosen sense.


  • Have the students share their collages or sculptures with the class and describe how they used art to express their chosen sense.
  • Review the five senses and discuss how we use them to experience the world around us.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their use of art to convey a sense and tell a story.
  • Collect and review the students' collages or sculptures to assess their understanding of the five senses.

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