Free Examples of Business Lesson Plans for 11th Grade

Lesson Plan
Budgeting Your Way To The Top

Play Cashy and learn about investing

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Explore Ideas And Opportunities

How do entrepreneurs choose what business to start?

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Entrepreneurship And You

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Indigenous Ingenuity

Different inventions and innovations developed by FNMI peoples in Canada

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Macroeconomics - Gdp

Measures of Economic Activity - Calculating GDP; Calculating nominal GDP using expenditure apporach; Calculating GNP/GNI; Calculating real GDP using a price index deflator; Understanding the difference between nominal and real GDP; Understanding how the GDP deflator is derived; Unsing the GDP deflator to calculate real GDP

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Macroeconomics - The Level Of Overall Economic Activity

Level of overall economic activity: Economic activity, the circular flow of income model; Measures of economic activity; Calculations of GDP, calculating GDP, calculating GNP, calculating GNI; The Business cycle

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Microeconomics Elasticity

Price eleasticity of demand, Cross-price elasticity of demand, Income elasticity of demand, Price elasticity of supply

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Functions Of The Corporate Communications Clerk

Promoting and enhancing the corporate image of the company. Interfacing with media houses, advertising agencies. Producing company newsletter/magazine/calendar. Upkeep of company's website. Planning family day activities. Coordinating and sponsoring events that show the company's corporate social responsibility.

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Marketing Plan

All about marketing plan

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business
Lesson Plan
Market Validity

How to validate a product market acceptability

Grade: 11th Grade
Subject: Business